目 录 上一节 下一节 查 找 检 索 手机阅读 总目录 问题反馈
附录B 英文索引
accident operation state…………4.0.10
acid separator………………………5.4.27
acid tar………………………………5.4.26
acidity……………………………… 5.4.24
actual air volume………………… 10.1.6
actual combustion temperature…………10.1.21
actual quantity of flue gas…………… 10.1.17
adaptability of gas appliance………… 10.2.28
added pressure resistance due to elevation………………4.0.19
air temperature vaporizer……………… 9.2.26
airheat accumulator……………… 5.3.6
aluminum and plastic composite pipe………… 10.3.9
ambient temperature……………… 2.3.12
ambient vaporizer………………… 8.2.16
ammonia aqueous decanter…………5.4.34
ammonia removal…………………… 5.4.19
annual gas consumption……………3.2.7
annual send-out capacity ……………… 2.4.3
anthracene oil………………………5.4.12
atmospheric induction burner……………10.2.14
automatic control system…………2.5.3
auxiliary hopper……………………5.1.24
auxiliary production field………………2.4.9
average hourly gas consumption…………3.2.16
axial stress…………………………4.0.29
balance point……………………… 4.0.15
balanced flue type gas water heater………… 10.2.35
bayonet-jointing of ductile cast iron pipe………………6.6.4
benzole scrubber……………………5.4.37
benzole separation…………………5.4.36
benzole wash oil……………………5.4.11
bimetallic thermometer……………11.1.15
blast mixer………………………… 9.2.29
BOG heater……………………………8.2.19
boiled-off gas (BOG)………………8.2.18
bottled LPG delivered station………… 9.2.8
bourdon pressure gauge……………11.1.16
branch valve…………………………6.2.29
branched-chain ignition…………… ……………10.1.24
branched system…………………… 6.2.16
braze welding……………………… 10.4.4
brazing jointing……………………10.4.5
bridge pipe………………………… 5.4.15
building service pipe……………10.3.1
Bunsen combustion…………………10.1.14
burner……………………………… 10.2.1
burner cap………………………… 10.2.3
burner port…………………………10.2.2
burner port thermal intensity…………10.2.8
carbolic oil…………………………5.4.9
carbonization gas………………… 5.1.1
carousel filling machine…………9.2.20
catalysis cracking gas making………… 5.3.3
catalytically cracking gas………………5.3.4
cathodic protection……………… 6.7.12
cathodic protection by sacrificial anode…………………6.7.14
cathodic protective potential………… 6.7.19
cavitation remainder………………2.4.22
check valve………………………… 6.4.16
chemical corrosion…………………6.7.6
Chinese cooking gas appliances…………10.2.39
circular network……………………6.2.15
city gas………………………………2.1.1
city gas engineering………………2.1.2
city gas pressure regulating equipment……………………6.4.5
city gate station………………… 2.4.1
CNG cylinder vehicle………………7.2.3
CNG dehydration device……………7.1.3
CNG desulfurization device………………7.1.2
CNG discharge column………………7.2.6
CNG filling station……………… 7.3.2
CNG for vehicle…………………… 7.3.1
CNG normal filling station………………7.3.5
CNG post………………………………2.4.29
CNG primary filling station ……………7.3.3
CNG secondary filling station………… 7.3.4
CNG storage and distribution station…………7.2.4
CO shift conversion……………… 5.5.3
coal bed methane (CBM)……………2.1.11
coal blending……………………… 5.1.14
coal charging car………………… 5.1.20
coal gas………………………………2.1.7
coating……………………………… 6.7.9
coincidence factor…………………3.2.15
coke extractor………………………5.1.25
coke guide……………………………5.1.22
coKe oven…………………………… 5.1.5
coke oven gas……………………… 5.1.6
coking chamber………………………5.1.15
cokmg time……………………………5.1.16
collecting main…………………… 5.4.14
collision post………………………2.4.32
combination oven……………………5.1.8
combustible gas alarm control………… 11.1.28
combustible gas detector…………11.1.27
combustion chamber…………………5.1.17
combustion potential………………10.1.45
combustion temperature……………10.1.19
combustion with excess air………………10.1.8
commercial consumer…………… …3.1.3
commercial gas oven for cooking……………… 10.2.37
communication system………………11.2.9
complete combustion……………… 10.1.2
component…………………………… 2.2.16
compound tubular material……………… 6.6.17
compressed natural gas (CNG)……………2.1.4
concentrated load………………… 4.0.3
condensate drainage…………… …6.2.31
container…………………………… 8.2.4
continuous vertical retort………………5.1.11
corrosion…………………………… 6.7.1
corrosion control………………… 6.7.3
corrosion potential……………… 6.7.4
corrosion rate………………………6.7.2
corrugated hose assembly……………… 10.3.10
critical diameter of flame propagation……………………10.1.37
critical pressure………………… 2.2.15
critical temperature………………2.2.14
crude benzole……………………… 5.4.35
crude gas…………………………… 5.4.1
cured-in-place pipe……………… 6.6.16
current gas………………………… 6.3.8
cushion gas………………………… 6.3.7
customer percentage……………… 3.2.6
cyclone seperator………………… 6.1.1
cylinder supply for single user……………… 9.2.3
data communcation…………………11.2.8
deformed and reformed……………6.6.14
dephlegmator……………………… 5.4.41
design factor………………………4.0.26
design flow of section………… 4.0.4
design month……………………… 3.2.8
design pressure……………………2.3.8
design pressure drop of high pressure network…………4.0.13
design pressure drop of low pressure network………… 4.0.11
design pressure drop of medium pressure network…………4.0.12
design regime………………………4.0.8
design temperature……………… 2.3.7
desulfurizer……………………… 5.4.43
desulphurization………………… 5.4.42
detonation………………………… 10.1.36
dew point……………………………2.2.3
dew point analyzer……………… 11.1.26
dew point drop…………………… 2.2.5
diaphragm gas meter………………11.1.12
diffuse combustion……………… 10.1.13
diffusion flame burner………… 10.2.13
dike………………………………… 2.4.8
direct acting regulator…………6.4.2
direct ammonium sulphate recovery……………5.4.28
direct-fired gas chiller (heater)……………10.2.44
direct-fired vaporizer………… 9.2.23
direct conversion…………………6.5.6
dispenser nozzle………………… 2.4.30
distributed control system (DCS)…………… 11.2.1
distribution flow…………………4.0.1
domestic user………………………3.1.2
double containment container………… 8.2.9
double shell tank…………………8.2.5
dry desulphurization…………… 5.4.44
ductile cast iron pipe………… 6.2.25
EAG heater………………………… 8.2.21
effective radius of regulator station……………………4.0.23
effective volume of gasholder…………6.3.15
electric vaporizer……………… 9.2.24
electrical conduct……………… 6.7.11
electrical detarrer………………5.4.17
electrical isolation…………… 6.7.10
electro-chemical corrosion…………… 6.7.7
electrofusion-jointing………… 6.6.6
emergency release coupler………………2.4.11
emergency shut-off valve……………… 11.1.29
emission ambient gas (EAG)…………… 8.2.20
engineer, s station………………11.2.3
entrained bed gasification…………… 5.2.9
excess air factor…………………10.1.7
excess aqueous ammonia………… 5.4.22
excess flow valve…………………9.2.11
expansion joint……………………6.2.33
exploding risk area………………2.5.4
explosive limits………………… 2.2.8
extinction of a flame……………10.1.30
ferrule jointing………………… 10.4.8
fiber communication………………11.2.10
filling area……………………… 2.4.26
filling field………………………2.4.6
filling in of LPG…………………9.2.16
filling post……………………… 7.3.6
filling volume rate………………2.3.2
filter……………………………… 6.1.2
final cooling………………………5.4.32
fire trap……………………………2.4.13
fixed bed gasification………… 5.2.7
fixed parking space………………7.2.5
flame failure device…………… 10.2.51
flame ignition…………………… 10.1.29
flame lift………………………… 10.1.48
flame lifting………………………10.1.49
flame speed…………………………10.1.32
flame stability……………………10.2.7
flash back………………………… 10.1.50
flash point…………………………2.2.7
float level-meter…………………11.1.20
flow computer………………………11.1.13
flue type gas water heater…………… 10.2.34
fluidized bed gasification…………… 5.2.8
fold-and-form lining…………… 6.6.13
forced draught burner……………10.2.17
forced vaporizing…………………2.4.16
free corrosion potential……………… 6.7.5
friction loss………………………4.0.20
full containment container…………… 8.2.10
fully pressurized storage tank……………… 9.2.13
fully refrigerated storage tank………………9.2.15
gas burning appliance……………10.2.26
gas burning equipment……………10.2.27
gas consumer……………………… 3.1.1
gas copper pipe……………………10.3.6
gas dispenser………………………2.4.28
gas distribution pipeline………………6.2.2
gas distributor……………………2.4.12
gas filling island……………… 2.4.27
gas-fired boiler………………… 10.2.43
gas heat pump………………………10.2.42
gas infrared radiant space heater……………10.2.41
gas odorant…………………………6.1.3
gas oven…………………………… 10.2.30
gas pistol lighter……………… 10.2.6
gas steaming oven…………………10.2.38
gas storage and peak shaving……………6.3.4
gas storage for emergency……………… 6.3.5
gas storage well……………………7.3.7
gas stove…………………………… 10.2.29
gas taper…………………………… 10.2.5
gas transmission pipeline……………… 6.2.1
gas turbine………………………… 10.2.46
gas underground reservoir……………… 6.3.6
gas vehicle………………………… 2.4.33
gas water heater……………………10.2.31
gas yield…………………………… 2.3.1
gasification efficiency………… 5.212
gasification gas……………………5.2.2
gasification intensity……………5.2.11
gasifying agent……………… ……5.2.1
gasoline and gas filling station………………2.4.25
glass level gauge………………… 11.1.19
glowcoil ignition………………… 10.1.27
grid control…………………………6.5.9
grid control center……………… 6.5.10
gross calorific value…………… 2.2.2
heat liberation rate………………10.2.9
heat value analyzer……………… 11.1.24
heating and cooling consumer……………3.1.5
heating flue…………………………5.1.19
heating system………………………7.2.7
heating value……………………… 2.2.11
heavy tar box……………………… 5.4.16
high pressure A gas pipeline……………6.2.3
high pressure B gas pipeline……………6.2.4
high temperature carbonization…………5.1.2
high temperature tar………………5.4.6
high-velocity burner………………10.2.23
holding-inserting jointing………………10.4.9
hoop stress………………………… 4.0.28
horizontal direction drilling………… 6.6.8
horizontal retort………………… 5.1.9
horizontal tank…………………… 6.3.13
hot-galvanize steel pipe…………6.2.20
hot-topping………………………… 6.2.16
hourly design flow rate………… 3.2.17
hume concrete pipe jacking………………6.6.9
humidity content……………………2.2.1
hydraulic operation state……………… 4.0.7
hydraulic reliability of network………………4.0.22
hydrocarbon dew point…………… 2.2.6
hydrocarbon pump……………………2.4.18
hydrogasification………………… 5.2.10
ignition temperature………………10.1.25
impressed current anode………… 6.7.16
impressed current cathodic protection…………………… 6.7.15
improved ADA desulphurization………… 10.1.3
index of gas consumption for commercial use…………… 3.2.2
index of gas consumption for industrial use…………… 3.2.3
index of gas consumption for residential use……………3.2.1
index of gas consumption for space cooling………………3.2.5
index of gas consumption for space heating………………3.2.4
indirect acting regulator……………… 6.4.3
indirect ammonium sulphate recovery………… 5.4.30
indirect conversion……………… 6.5.7
indoor gas engineering……………10.3.4
indoor gas pipe…………………… 10.3.2
indoor open installation…………10.4.1
industrial consumer……………… 3.1.4
industrial gas furnace……………10.2.40
infrared burner…………………… 10.2.20
injection mixer…………………… 9.2.28
injector burner…………………… 10.2.16
inner cone flame……………………10.1.40
inshot burner……………………… 10.2.22
instantaneous gas water heater…………10.2.23
insulating flange………………… 6.7.21
interchangeability of gases…………… 10.1.46
intermittent vertical retort……………5.1.12
internal-combustion gas engine…………10.2.45
interrupted pilot………………… 10.2.12
insulating joint……………………6.7.20
isolating water seal………………5.2.15
joint factor…………………………4.0.27
laminar diffusion flame………… 10.1.38
leak test…………………………… 6.5.2
leakage survey………………………6.5.8
light oil…………………………… 5.4.8
limit gas…………………………… 10.1.43
liquefied natural gas (LNG)…………… 2.1.5
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)………… 2.1.9
liquid desulphurization………… 5.4.45
living field…………………………2.4.10
LNG fuelling station………………8.3.1
LNG pump………………………………8.3.3
LNG stratification…………………8.2.13
LNG tank truck………………………8.1.2
LNG tanker……………………………8.1.1
LNG unloading system………………8.2.3
LNG vaporizing station……………8.2.1
LNG vessel……………………………8.3.2
loading and unloading of LNG……………8.1.3
loading and unloading of LPG……………9.1.4
loading and unloading platform…………8.1.6
loading and unloading platform…………9.1.8
local pressure loss……………… 4.0.21
locating device…………………… 6.2.35
location class………………………2.3.6
low NOx burner………………………10.2.25
low pressure burner……………… 10.2.18
low pressure gas pipeline……………… 6.2.9
low pressure piston-type gasholder……………6.3.10
low pressure water-sealed gasholder………… 6.3.9
low temperature carbonization………… 5.1.4
low temperature tar……………… 5.4.7
lower explosive limit…………… 2.2.10
LPG gas mixing station……………9.2.6
LPG-air mixture…………………… 2.1.10
LPG filling station……………… 9.2.2
LPG for vehicle…………………… 9.3.2
LPG fuelling station………………9.3.1
LPG mixer…………………………… 9.2.27
LPG pipeline transportation…………… 9.1.9
LPG storage and distribution station…………9.2.3
LPG storage station……………… 9.2.1
LPG supply base…………………… 9.2.4
LPG tank truck………………………9.1.3
LPG tank wagon………………………9.1.2
LPG tanker……………………………9.1.1
LPG tanker loading and unloading trestle…………………9.1.7
LPG vaporizing station……………9.2.5
main burner…………………………10.2.10
manual filling…………………… 9.2.17
manufactured gas………………… 2.1.6
marker post…………………………6.2.36
mass flow meter……………………11.1.10
material of pipe………………… 6.2.16
maximum allowable pressure of appliance…………………4.0.24
maximum inlet pressure………… 6.4.9
maximum operating pressure (MOP)…………… 2.3.10
maximum operating pressure of gasholder…………………6.3.17
maximum uneven factor of daily consumption…………… 3.2.13
maximum uneven factor of hourly consumption……………3.2.14
maximum uneven factor of monthly consumption………… 3.2.12
measuring range……………………2.5.2
mechanical filling……………… 9.2.19
medium pressure A gas pipeline……………… 6.2.7
medium pressure B gas pipeline……………… 6.2.8
medium pressure burner………… 10.2.9
medium temperature carbonization…………… 5.1.3
membrane container……………… 8.2.7
methanol swabbing at low temperature…………………… 5.4.47
micro gas turbine (M-CHP)………………10.2.47
minimum allowable pressure of appliance…………………4.0.25
minimum inlet pressure………… 6.4.10
mixing……………………………… 5.5.4
mono-heating oven…………………5.1.7
mother liquor………………………5.4.20
multi-stage network………………6.2.13
multi-stage scrubber…………… 5.2.16
multiple CNG cylinder installation………… 7.2.1
naphthalene oil……………………5.4.10
naphthalene removal………………5.4.31
natural gas…………………………2.1.3
natural vaporizing……………… 2.4.15
net calorific value………………2.2.13
net pressure drop around the loop……………4.0.17
network pressure difference calibration…………………4.0.18
network protocol………………… 11.2.11
node………………………………… 4.0.5
node flow……………………………4.0.6
no-dig rehabilitation and replacement……………………6.6.11
nominal diameter………………… 6.2.26
nominal flow……………………… 6.4.12
nominal outlet pressure…………6.4.11
nominal volume of gasholder……………6.3.14
non-pipeline gas………………… 2.3.4
normal flame propagation……………… 10.1.34
normal flame speed……………… 10.1.31
normal heat load………………… 10.2.49
normal operating pressure of gas burners……………… 10.2.48
nozzle……………………………… 10.2.4
oil gas………………………………2.1.8
on-line process gas chromatograph……………11.1.23
open system…………………………11.2.12
operating pressure…………… …2.3.9
operating temperature……………2.3.11
operation regime………………… 4.0.9
operator's station……………… 11.2.2
orifice plate………………………11.1.5
outer cone flame………………… 10.1.41
overheat cut-off device…………10.2.52
oxygen-lacking combustion………………10.1.9
oxygen-lacking cut-off device…………10.2.53
partial oxidation gas making………… 5.3.7
partially-aerated combustion………… 10.1.14
partially-aerated laminar flame………………10.1.39
peak shaving……………………… 6.3.1
peak shaving gas………………… 6.3.2
permanent pilot……………………10.2.11
pig receiving trap……………… 6.1.7
pig signaler……………………… 6.1.8
pig trap…………………………… 6.1.6
pipe attachment……………………6.2.18
pipe fitting……………………… 6.2.17
pipe handling crane………………9.1.5
pipe handling crane………………8.1.4
pipe ramming……………………… 6.6.10
pipe scraper……………………… 6.1.5
pipeline gas……………………… 2.3.3
piping concealment……………… 10.4.3
piping embedment………………… 10.4.2
plastic-coated copper pipe…………… 10.3.7
plugging…………………………… 6.5.17
point of no-flow………………… 4.0.16
polyethylene (PE) gas pipe…………… 6.2.22
polyethylene (PE) gas pipe fitting………… 6.2.23
pre-aerated burner……………… 10.2.15
pre-aerated combustion………… 10.1.15
press jointing…………………… 10.4.6
pressure booster………………… 8.2.22
pressure gasification……………5.2.5
pressure gasifying gas………… 5.2.6
pressure level…………………… 2.3.5
pressure level-meter…………… 11.1.21
pressure relief……………………6.5.14
pressure transmitter…………… 11.1.18
prestressed concrete tank………………8.2.6
primary air…………………………10.1.10
primary air ratio…………………10.1.12
primary cooler…………………… 5.4.18
primary cooling……………………5.4.3
priority…………………………… 11.2.7
process measure……………………11.1.4
process vaporizer…………………8.2.17
producer gas……………………… 5.2.3
producer gas plant……………… 5.2.13
production field………………… 2.4.4
proportional flow mixer…………9.2.30
programmable logic controller (PLC)…………11.2.5
pulse burner……………………… 10.2.21
purified gas……………………… 5.4.2
pusher machine…………………… 5.1.21
quantity of dry flue gas……………… 10.1.18
quenching car………………………5.1.23
recycle ammonia aqueous…………5.4.21
reference electrode………………6.7.17
reference gas………………………10.1.42
reference grounding………………2.5.5
regulator box………………………6.4.6
regulator flow capacity…………6.4.13
regulator station…………………6.4.7
relief……………………………… 6.5.4
remote terminal unit (RTU)…………… 11.2.6
residential consumer…………… 3.1.2
retort gas………………………… 5.1.13
richness of a gas/air mixture…………10.1.4
ring compression connection……………10.4.7
roots flow meter………………… 11.1.6
rubber hose…………………………10.3.11
rush-repair………………………… 6.5.13
sacrificial anode or galvanic anode………… 6.7.13
safety grounding……………………2.5.6
safety return-flow valve…………9.2.10
safety shut-off valve…………… 10.2.54
safety water seal………………… 6.4.8
saturated-unsaturated oil heat exchanger…………………5.4.39
saturated vapor pressure…………2.2.2
saturator…………………………… 5.4.23
screw thread-jointing…………… 6.6.2
secondary air……………………… 10.1.11
section valve……………………… 6.2.30
semi-direct ammonium sulphate recovery……………………5.4.29
semi-mechanical filling………… 9.2.18
semi-refrigerated storage tank…………9.2.14
seamless steel tube……………… 6.2.21
shut off pressure………………… 6.4.15
single containment container……………8.2.8
single stage network………………6.2.10
skid-mounted compressor………… 7.1.1
skid-mounted equipment……………2.4.20
slip lining………………………… 6.6.12
spark ignition………………………10.1.28
spheric tank…………………………6.3.12
stabilized pressure accuracy……………6.4.14
stand pipe……………………………5.4.13
standard condition…………………2.2.1
static pipe bursting………………6.6.15
station by-pass line………………6.1.9
station for CNG multiple cylinder installation…………7.2.2
station house……………………… 2.4.31
steam heat accumulator……………5.3.5
steel skeleton polyethylene (PE) composite pipe………… 6.2.24
storage and distribution station………………2.4.2
storage tank…………………………6.3.11
storage type gas water heater………… 10.2.32
stray current corrosion………… 6.7.8
stray current drainage protection…………… 6.7.18
strength test……………………… 6.5.1
stripping column……………………5.4.38
sub-high pressure A gas pipeline………………6.2.5
sub-high pressure B gas pipeline………………6.2.6
submerged combustion burner…………… 10.2.24
substitute natural gas……………5.5.1
sulfureted hydrogen analyzer……………11.1.25
sulphur content…………………… 2.2.18
supervision and protection………………6.5.18
supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA system)…………11.2.4
tail emission……………… ………………9.2.21
take fire…………………………… 10.1.22
tank field……………………………2.4.5
tank filling and loading and unloading line…………… 8.1.5
tank filling and loading and unloading line…………… 9.1.6
tank static vaporizing rate…………… 8.2.15
tank switching………………………9.2.22
tar…………………………………… 5.4.4
tar container……………………… 5.4.33
tar fog……………………………… 5.4.25
tar separation………………………5.4.5
target flow meter………………… 11.1.11
theoretical air volume……………10.1.5
theoretical combustion temperature……………10.1.20
theoretical quantity of flue gas………………10.1.16
thermal cracking gas………………5.3.2
thermal cracking gas making…………… 5.3.1
thermal efficiency…………………10.2.50
thermal ignition……………………10.1.23
thin-walled stainless steel pipe………………10.3.8
three stage network……………… 6.2.12
trade measure……………………… 11.1.3
transit flow…………………………4.0.2
transition fitting for PE plastic pipe to steel pipe…………………6.2.32
transmitter………………………… 11.1.2
trenchless technology…………… 6.6.7
turbine gas meter………………… 11.1.7
turbulence flame speed……………10.1.33
two stage network………………… 6.2.11
ultrasonic gas flow meter………………11.1.9
ultrasonic level-meter………… 11.1.22
uneven factor of daily consumption………… 3.2.10
uneven factor of daily consumption of hourly consumption………… 3.2.11
uneven factor of monthly consumption…………………… 3.2.9
unfreezable drain valve…………9.2.12
unit length pressure drop………………4.0.14
unsaturated oil cooler………… 5.4.40
upper explosive limit……………2.2.9
user piping…………………………10.3.3
utilization coefficient of gasholder volume……………6.3.16
valve pit……………………………6.2.28
vaporizing station of LNG multiple cylinder installation………… 8.2.2
vaporizing station of LPG multiple cylinder installation………… 9.2.7
vehicle gas filling station……………2.4.24
vehicle user……………………… 3.1.6
vent pipe……………………………2.4.14
vertical LNG container………… 8.2.11
vertical main and sub-tank…………… 8.2.12
vertical retort……………………5.1.10
vertical shell cooler……………5.2.14
volume corrector………………… 11.1.14
vortex procession flow meter………… 11.1.8
wall-mounted gas heater…………10.2.36
warning tape……………………… 6.2.34
water dew point……………………2.2.4
water gas……………………………5.2.4
waterbath vaporizer………………9.2.25
welded steel pipe…………………6.2.19
welding-jointing………………… 6.6.1
Wobbe number……………………… 10.1.44
yellow flame……………………… 10.1.47
- 前言
- 1 总则
- 2 一般术语
- 2.1 燃气的分类
- 2.2 燃气的性质
- 2.3 燃气气源与输配
- 2.4 燃气厂站
- 2.5 自动化控制
- 3 用户分类与燃气需用量
- 3.1 用户分类
- 3.2 燃气需用量
- 4 燃气管网计算与水力工况
- 5 燃气气源
- 5.1 干馏煤气的生产
- 5.2 气化煤气的生产
- 5.3 油制气的生产
- 5.4 煤气的净化
- 5.5 燃气质量的调整
- 6 燃气输配
- 6.1 门站和储配站
- 6.2 输配管道
- 6.3 储气与调峰
- 6.4 燃气调压
- 6.5 输配系统的运行管理
- 6.6 管道连接方式及施工技术
- 6.7 钢制管道与储罐的腐蚀控制
- 7 压缩天然气供应
- 7.1 天然气压缩
- 7.2 压缩天然气供应站
- 7.3 压缩天然气加气站
- 8 液化天然气供应
- 8.1 液化天然气运输
- 8.2 液化天然气供气站
- 8.3 液化天然气加气站
- 9 液化石油气供应
- 9.1 液化石油气运输
- 9.2 液化石油气储存与供应
- 9.3 液化石油气加气站
- 10 燃气燃烧与应用
- 10.1 燃烧
- 10.2 燃气应用
- 10.3 用户管道
- 10.4 管道敷设及连接方式
- 11 燃气系统数据采集与监控
- 11.1 仪表
- 11.2 监控和数据采集
- 附录A 中文索引
- 附录B 英文索引