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    [1] GB/T 16856-1997 机械安全-风险评价的原则(eqv.prEN 1050,1994).
    [2]GB/T 7025.1--1997 电梯主参数及轿厢、井道、机房的型式与尺寸 第1部分:I、II、Ⅲ、VI类电梯(eqv ISO 4190-1:1990).
    [3] JG 5009-1992 电梯操作装置、信号及附件(eqv ISO 4190-5:1987).
    [4] ISO 4190-5:2006 电梯和杂物电梯 第5部分:操作装置、信号及附件[Lifts and service lifts (USA,Elevators and dumbwaiters)-Part 5:Control devices,signals and additional fittings].
    [5]ISO 7176-5:1986 轮椅车 第5部分:轮廓尺寸、重量和旋转空间的测定(Wheclchairs-Part 5:Determination of overall dimensions,mass and turning space).
    [6]ISO 7193:1985 轮椅车 最大轮廓尺寸(Wheclchairs-Maximum overall dimensions).
    [7] ISO/TR 9527:1994 房屋建筑 建筑物中残疾人的需要 设计指南(Building construc-tion Necds of disabled people in buildings-Design guidelines).
    [8]欧洲可接近性概念(CCPT,促进可接近性的中央统筹委员会),Rijswijk,荷兰,1996[Europe-an concept for accessibility (CCPT,The Central coordinating Cormittee for the Promotion of Accessi-bility),Rijswijk,The Netherlands,1996].
    [9]欧洲盲人联合会(EBU)电梯设计和视觉残障的相关信息,雷丁大学,英国[European Blind Union (EBU) information about lift design and visual impairment,University of Reading,United Kingdom].
    [10]欧洲委员会《国际残损、残疾和残障分类(ICIDH)》在管理机构制定政策和规划时的应用和有效性[Council of Europe-Use and usefualness of the ICIDH (International Classification of Impair-ment,Disability and Handicap) for policy and planning for authorities].
    [11]建筑物中残疾人的需要,设计指南,ISO,H内瓦,1982年(Needs of disabled people in build-ings,Dcsign guidelines,ISO,Geneva,1982).
    [12]残障人员机会均等标准规则。联合国决议48/96,纽约,1993年(Standard Rules on the c-qualization of opportunities for persons with disabilities. Resolution 48/96,United Nations, New York 1993.
    [13]欧盟委员会和成员国家政府代表在残障人员机会均等委员会的1996年12月20日会议上的决议,布鲁塞尔97/C12/01(Resolution of the Council of the European Uniou and of the representa-tives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on Equality of Opportunity for People with Disabiliries of 20 Dccember 1996,Brussels 97/C12/01).
    [14]建筑视觉,考虑视觉残障人员需要的建筑和室内设计方案手册,P.Barker,J.Barrick,R.Wilson,1996,皇家全国盲人协会(RNIB),英国(Building Sight,a handbook of building and interior de-sign solutions to include the needs of visually impaired people,P. Barker,J. Barrick.R. Wilson,1996,RNIB,United Kingdom).
    [15]电梯使生活便捷,瑞典建筑研究委员会.1986,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典(Elevators make life easier,Swedish Council for Building Rescarch,1986,Stockholm.Sweden).
    [16]障碍环境的成本,旧楼加装电梯的成本收益分析,A.D.Ratzka,瑞典建筑研究委员会.斯德哥尔摩.1984 年(The cost of disabling environments,a cost revenue analysis of installing elevators inold houses.A.D. Ratzka.Swedish Council for Building Research,Stockholm,1984).
    [17]为残障人员设计,新范例.Selwyn Goldsmith,建筑出版社,牛津,1997年(Designing for thc Disabled,The new Paradigm,Selwyn Goldsmith,Architectural Press,Oxford,1997).
    [18]95/16/EC 电梯指令(Directive 95/16/EC of the Europcan Parliamcnt and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to lifts).
    [19]95/216/EC 关于在用电梯安全性改进的建议,1995年6月8日[European Commission rccommendation of 8 June 1995 concerning improvement of safety of existing lifts(95/216/EC)].
    [20] GB/T 15720-1995 中国盲文.

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